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CERTUS Premier Memory Care Living's Response to COVID-19 (coronavirus)

CERTUS Premier Memory Care Living is monitoring COVID-19 updates and has plans in place to react swiftly if the virus would impact our community. The safety of your loved ones is of critical concern to all of us. CERTUS is focused on keeping our residents and associates safe during this time.
CERTUS Premier Memory Care Living is monitoring COVID-19 updates and has plans in place to react swiftly if the virus would impact our community. The safety of your loved ones is of critical concern to all of us. CERTUS is focused on keeping our residents and associates safe during this time.
  • Allowing only essential visitors (those providing needed essential care for our residents)
  • Essential visitors are screened via COVID-19 questionnaire and temperature is taken
  • Residents’ and team members’ temperatures checked daily
  • Frequent hand hygiene with soap and water, washing for at least 20 seconds or rubbing hands with alcohol-based sanitizer (60% alcohol or greater)
  • Frequent disinfecting of commonly touched environmental surfaces to decrease contamination
  • Standard precautions, such as wearing masks, gloves and gowns as situations warrant their use

Frequently Asked Questions:

May I visit my loved one?

No. The safety of your loved is our top priority. In order to maintain the health and safety of our residents, families, and associates, this means restricting non-essential visits.

However, we can provide alternatives to traditional visits. Call your CERTUS community to coordinate an in-person window visit or a virtual (FaceTime, Skype, etc.) visit. We are also providing updates to our residents’ families via telephone calls, letters, our resident engagement app and social media.

Is my loved one confined to his or her room?

No. We are practicing social distancing as well as taking extraordinary measures to frequently disinfect commonly touched environmental surfaces to decrease contamination.

Can my loved one be checked out to come stay at my home?

Resident trips out of the community are limited to urgent, medical visits only.

Can my loved one continue to see outside care providers for services?

At this time we are allowing essential visitors only (if they answer no to all questions on the COVID-19 screening questionnaire).

What is your COVID-19 screening questionnaire?

Essential individuals are screened via COVID-19 questionnaire. Individuals answering yes to any question are prohibited from entering community.


Contact us for a personal look at our communities. We're here to help you navigate this journey.