CERTUS Senior Living Offers Evidence-Based Nutrition To Optimize Brain Health And Quality Of Life For Memory Care Residents.
CERTUS Senior Living is thrilled to announce our new partnership with Life in the Moment, LLC. Through this partnership CERTUS is pleased to be the first memory care community in Central Florida to offer Memory Meals®. CERTUS will leverage MemoryMeals® to fulfill our mission of a “whole person wellness” approach by catering to the Social, Physical, Intellectual and Nutritional well-being of our residents.

MemoryMeals® is a brain health program that combines the research-based MIND Diet with brain-stimulating activities and caregiver support and education.
Research from Rush University (Chicago, IL) shows that the MIND Diet may slow cognitive decline in the healthy aging brain by as much as 7.5 years and could lower the risk of dementia by as much as 53%.
CERTUS will use the MemoryMeals® brain health program to deliver chef-created, clinically-vetted recipes and an algorithm-driven meal plan to ensure residents are getting the right combinations of whole foods to optimize brain health.

MemoryMeals® features recipes, created by Chef Leah Sarris, RD and Director of Operations at the Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine at Tulane University Medical School, that address inflammation and other co-morbidities through nutrition.
As a mission-driven company, CERTUS will not only provide brain healthy nutrition to our residents but will also promote brain health throughout all the Central Florida markets we serve by offering brain healthy cooking classes to residents’ families and the greater community at-large.
For additional information regarding CERTUS Senior Living, visit CERTUSseniorliving.com. Or, learn more about our Mount Dora community (opening Spring 2018) by calling Lori Ford, Executive Director, CERTUS Senior Living (352)385-1800.
If you have any questions about MemoryMeals®, please visit the Memory Meals Facebook Page.